Pay Medicare Premiums
Medicare is an insurance program operated by the United States government. The program provides eligible citizens who are 65 years or older or legally disabled the chance to obtain health insurance coverage at minimal cost. If you are eligible to receive Medicare, you can search for an insurance provider in your area, including HMOs and PPOs, and begin to pay premiums to use the service.
1. Sign up for automatic deductions from bank accounts. Telephone your Medicare health care provider. Notify the agent that you want to pay your premiums through automatic withdrawal. Provide your bank savings or checking account information. Note that you can also have automatic withdrawals deducted from your credit or debit card. Continue to pay your premiums with a check or money order until the withdrawal takes place. Keep in mind that it can take as much as 2 months for the automatic withdrawal to go into effect.
2. Request to have premiums deducted from social security installments. Contact your medical plan provider. Ask the agent to set up your monthly payments for automatic deduction from your social security benefits. Keep in mind that you might have to pay the first 2-month premiums with a check, money order, credit or debit card until the payment arrangement takes effect. Ensure that you maintain a copy of all payment agreements in writing for your personal records. Include the date that the arrangement was agreed upon.
3. Pay the premiums directly. Reach out to your Medicare medical or drug plan provider. Request that the plan email or snail mail you a monthly invoice. Send in a check or money order to cover the cost of your premiums each month. Refer to Medicare's official website (see Resources) to note current plan premiums.