Thursday, 14 May 2015

Properly Juice A Pineapple

Fresh pineapple juice is a delicious treat.

Fruit juice is a favorite drink among children and adults alike. Thrifty and health-conscious parents may wish to create their own juice from scratch to give their families the most cost-effective and purest beverage possible. Although modern electric juicers make the process fast and easy, juicing fruit by hand can be a fun and rewarding experience. For odd-shaped fruits, including pineapples, it is important to assess one's arm strength in order to cut manageable slices that can be wrung out by hand. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Cut the rind off the pineapple, causing the fruit to resemble a rectangular box.

2. Slice the soft flesh of the pineapple off the hard center core.

3. Dispose of the rind and core in a compost heap or the trash.

4. Cut the pineapple flesh into strips that fit in your fist.

5. Set a screen colander or strainer in a large bowl and line the interior of the colander with cheese cloth. It is best to find a bowl slightly larger than the colander so the colander can rest on the rim of the bowl, suspended above the base.

6. Squeeze each portion of fruit over the strainer. You can also use a food processor over the colander to juice the pineapple instead of squeezing by hand to speed up the process and yield more juice.

7. Pour the contents of the bowl into a pitcher and refrigerate several hours before serving.