The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a national security agency
The FBI has careers that are interesting and constantly challenging, and the qualifications are rigorous. You don't have to be a law enforcement officer; the FBI employs researchers, intelligence analysts, information technology experts, linguists, administrative staff, communications specialists and other professionals. You may apply for a job through the FBI website.
1. Keep your record clean. All FBI employees must undergo a thorough background check. All employees must have the ability to receive a security clearance. You can't have a felony conviction, use illegal drugs, default on a federal student loan or fail a drug test. FBI employees are subjected to polygraph tests and even friends, past employers, neighbors and relatives will be interviewed during the application process.
2. FBI special agents must be United States citizens. Special agents must also meet age, physical fitness and educational requirements. All agents must be at least 23 years old and no more than 37 years old when they enter the training academy. FBI agents must have at least a four-year college degree. They must have excellent vision and be in top-notch physical condition.
3. FBI agents don't necessarily need a background in law enforcement, although law degrees and accounting degrees are especially helpful for understanding federal provisions, and analyzing and conducting investigations. Engineering degrees, criminal justice, forensics and psychology are also good courses of study for prospective FBI applicants.
4. If you're in college or graduate school, you may consider an FBI internship to get a feel for the agency and determine if this is where you want to work in the future.