Gall Bladder Symptoms
Many people suffer from gall bladder symptoms for years without every knowing that they are! Often this leads to treating symptoms of gall bladder pain as if they were something else, taking unnecessary pills and dealing with unnecessary pain.
1. Focus on the pain. Gall bladder symptoms include an intense pain in your right shoulder blade. It feels a bit like a knotted muscle, but nothing helps it relax. Also the symptoms of gall bladder problems will come and go. If the "muscle knot" returns at odd times, especially when you haven't been exercising or doing heavy lifting, it may actually be a gall bladder symptom.
2. Try to treat the muscle knot as a muscle knot - at first. Take a mild pain reliever, lay on a heating pad, have someone try to work out the knot. If after a week or two you are still having this pain, it really might be a gall bladder symptom. If the pain gets more intense instead of lessening, that is another sign that you are actually suffering for a symptom of gall bladder troubles.
3. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss the pain. Most doctors immediately jump to the "muscle knot" theory and try to send you on your way with some muscle relaxers. You will have to insist that you believe you are suffering from gall bladder symptoms and request an ultrasounds.
4. Go to your ultrasound. Anticipate that if you are having a day when the pain is more intense, the ultrasound will be uncomfortable, since they will have to push on areas that are tender. But an ultrasound will confirm for sure if your gall bladder is the trouble maker and if you are in fact suffering from gall bladder symptoms!