Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Read Picture Books To Toddlers

The pictures help the child follow the words.

Picture books are usually less than 40 pages long and use vividly colored images to convey a story with limited accompanying text. As children develop they must learn relate the symbols they see to the world around them, and reading pictures books to toddlers helps them learn about the real world, according to the Web MD website. Besides helping your child understand words and language reading picture books is a fun and engaging activity to do with your child each day. Find a comfortable place to read and discuss the book with your child as you share the story.


1. Sit with your toddler on your lap in a quiet, comfortable environment such as the child's bedroom, your den or rec room, a designated reading area in the children's section of your local library or in a quiet outdoor area. Ensure there is plenty of light hitting the book as you read.

2. Show the child the cover of the book and read the name and author of the book aloud, as well as some of the pictures (in order) before reading the text. Talk about color, placement of objects and names of main characters or animals to help the child think about and anticipate what will happen in the story if desired.

3. Read the text slowly and clearly, allowing your child to look at each picture as long as he or she wants. Ask simple questions about the pictures if desired, such as the name of a certain color, object or animal or what the pictures mean, such as a character that is happy or sad. Help the child understand the connection between language and words by underlining words with your finger.

4. Establish a reading routine, such as daily bedtime stories. Children need routine so make a bedtime story part of their nightly ritual along with a set bedtime.