Thursday, 7 May 2015

Lose Weight With ****

Lose Weight With ****

**** is a prescription weight loss pill that is normally prescribed for people who are at least 30 pounds over weight. **** increased your adrenalin substantially raising the blood pressure in some patients. **** is effective if used correctly and in coordination with a low calorie diet.


1. Discuss with a medical professional whether or not **** is right for you. Be sure to inform them if you have taken MAOIs or suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Make sure to inform the doctor if you have had or have a high risk of having hypertension, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease or liver disease.

2. Take **** as prescribed by the doctor. **** is habit forming and can be abused. Make sure to follow the directions and do not double up on pills if you have accidentally skipped a dose.

3. Contact the doctor if you experience side effects caused by ****. The most common side effects are insomnia, constipation, dry mouth, anorexia and headaches. More serious side effects of **** include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face lips and tongue, closing of the throat, irregular heart beat and seizures. If you experience any of the major side effects seek medical attention immediately.

4. Talk to your doctor about any other medications you may be taking even if they are over-the-counter medications. Some medications such as cough and cold medications may react in an unhealthy way with ****. Consult the doctor before taking anything besides aspirin.