There are numerous business start-ups that can help you earn money, but few are as gratifying and profitable as opening your own juice bar. As more and more people are becoming health conscious these days, juice businesses are in demand. If you are passionate about promoting health, love eating vegetables and fruit and business oriented, now is the best time for you to start your own juice business.
Starting a Juice Bar
1. Secure a business license. This will enable you to create and run your own business shop, and in this case it would be your juice bar.
2. Find a place for your juice bar at a location that would generate the best traffic for your business. Typically a shopping arcade near schools or inside a mall are suitable locations.
3. Search out and hire employees for your juice bar. You can hire college or high school students, since the skill sets necessary are minimal and you can compensate them at minimum wage to increase potential profits for yourself.
4. Make your menu. The names of your juices must be memorable. Always list the ingredients of each drink and food item in your menu. For example, you can call your apple juice "Healthy Apple Bang." If you decide to use organic ingredients, be sure to point that out in the menu. Hunting for organic food is a trend among health conscious customers lately.
5. Design and make your business logo, slogan and website. Use only bright colors that scream healthy fruit like greens, oranges and reds. Your website and logo must project nutrition and health. A catchy slogan could include "Zesty Apple Bang."
6. Buy all the necessary materials needed for the interior of your juice bar. Pick bright, colorful furniture with glass tables and chairs. The walls should be painted brightly in the colors of fruit. Purchase high-quality blenders that can easily grind hard fruits. You can also make the counter a display case to display the different types of fruits and vegetables the customer can turn into juice.
7. Market and promote your new juice bar. Make fliers and inform people about your business and about the health benefits of juices such as its antioxidants over other drinks like lattes or soda. Advertise on websites, free publications and on the radio if you can afford it. Offer people free juice samples and build word of mouth.