Losing 100 lb. is difficult but achievable.
The health risks of obesity have been the subject of reams of media coverage and many government incentives eager to turn the tide. However, according to a 2007 report by economist R. Sturm, three percent of Americans are still morbidly obese; this seemingly small percentage equates to approximately 6.8 million adults in the U.S. Losing 100 pounds can seem like a Herculean task; it demands a whole different mindset to the average diet, as well as time, drive and determination. However, the result--a slimmer, fitter and healthier you--might prove well worth the effort.
1. Seek medical supervision. Obesity brings with it many health risks, such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance and high cholesterol; your doctor can recognise these problems and potentially offer medical treatments to aid your weight loss.
2. Make small changes to your lifestyle. Swap full-fat milk for skimmed or semi-skimmed. Stop taking sugar in your coffee. Use the stairs instead of the elevator; get off the bus a stop early. Leave your car at home and walk to work or to the shops. Little adjustments can make a surprising difference over time and are the ones most likely to stick.
3. Begin exercising. The "American College of Sports Medicine" suggests 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise five times per week, but even a fifteen minute walk or jog every evening can have a noticeable effect on your weight loss. Exercise sociably with team sports, aerobic classes, swimming and cycling, or use an exercise bike or treadmill in the comfort of your own home while you watch your favorite TV program. Weight training is particularly beneficial and builds calorie-burning muscles that will help you lose weight.
4. Reduce your calorie intake. Instead of banning "bad" foods, have smaller portions or choose a lower calorie, reduced fat version of your guilty treat. Cut down on alcohol and fizzy drinks, which contain more calories than you might realise, and replace them with fresh fruit juices or water. Invest in a recipe book filled with healthy, nutritious meals--particularly dishes containing brown rice, fruit and vegetables.
5. Eat little and often--including a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, wholegrain toast or fruit--to kick-start your metabolism. Sate hunger pangs with raw, unsalted nuts, fruit and vegetables. Never skip meals, as this slows your metabolism, and you will feel even hungrier and more weak-willed later in the day. Pay attention while you eat, turn off the television and eat slowly. Once you begin to feel comfortably full, stop eating.
6. Keep track of your progress. Keep in mind how far you have come. Set small milestones for every 10 pounds you lose to keep yourself feeling positive; your weight goals will feel more achievable than doggedly focusing on the finish line. Keep a food diary. It will help you spot potentially healthier choices.
7. Get support. Encouragement is vital and will keep you determined to achieve your weight goal. Some weight loss groups charge small fees for membership and offer programs, resources and support in your local area. Check in your local hospital, as a registered dietitian may conduct group weight loss programs.