Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Write Description

A description helps to form a picture in the mind of a reader or a listener. A description can be of a job, book, page or a certain text. You need basic writing skills and the ability to convey the message in a coherent way to write a description of any given material. Read on to learn write description.


1. Explain the whole text in general and focus on all aspects of the passage or manuscript one by one. Start from the first paragraph and put forward every small and big detail just as the author has portrayed.

2. Divide the manuscript according to the themes discussed in it. Talk about them one by one; quote from the book to support your claim and paint vivid pictures for a reader's imagination.

3. Discuss the various impressions that the author has used. Link them to the actual story and make the story come alive by painting a whole scenario with words.

4. Describe the mood and tone of the text in a concise and realistic manner. Follow the sequence of events to let the readers follow the variety of details presented.Connect details from the beginning to the end creating a web of information in the description for the reader to follow and see in his mind.

5. Be true to the purpose for which you are writing a description. If the descriptive text is to market a product, be completely realistic in the portrayal so that the readers can easily get the idea.

6. Keep in mind the target audience for which the description is being written. Do not use complex words if the description is meant for children. Divide the descriptive text into small readable paragraphs without any cliches.