Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Terminate An Employee For Missing Work

Employees who miss work may need to pack up and leave.

A production process suffers whenever employees miss work. It becomes necessary to replace a worker who is absent repeatedly, but there are legalities to consider. Most companies have a policy for addressing such a situation, written within the guidelines of labor laws. Corporate absenteeism policies commonly outline steps for dealing with employees who do not show up for scheduled shifts. The final step in such policies is to terminate an employee.


1. Confront an employee missing work to ask the reason for absences. Ask the employee to follow all absenteeism policies regarding verification of any excused absences, such as a doctor's note or jury duty documentation.

2. Check for all reasons for excused absences allowed by the company policy. Find out if the absence falls under a federal labor regulation such as the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. This legislation gives an employee extended work leave to have and care for children, to care for military relatives injured on duty and for personal medical needs. A worker may have 12 or 26 weeks of unpaid leave mandated by the government depending upon the need.

3. Refer to the company policy for procedures regarding any unexcused absence. Common policies require a supervisor to verbally tell the employee that the absence is unexcused and there will only be "x" number of unexcused absences tolerated before termination. Document such consultations with a signature from the offending worker.

4. Follow all procedures outlined in company policy for reprimanding employees who miss work and document all actions. Give the recommended number of verbal and written warnings to an employee along with a warning about the company's policy for terminating workers with unexcused absences.

5. Check the records for employees terminated for absenteeism before you replace a worker to be sure all previous cases were executed according to the outlined company policy. Find out if any employee was given extra grace for the number of days missed before being fired. Give your employee the same number of grace days before termination to avoid litigation.

6. Inform the human resources department of your intent to terminate an employee for being absent and show your documentation of all the policy steps taken. Ask if you should direct the employee to the office for an exit interview. Give the employee a written and verbal notice of job termination. Direct the worker to the HR office if applicable.