Internet speeds
on desktop computers can be improved with use of an Ethernet cable.
The introduction of broadband has seen Internet speeds increase significantly in recent years leading up to 2011. Fiber optic technology has seen those speeds gathering even more pace but many consumers find that they are unable to process data at the rates that their Internet service providers specify. Thankfully, there are number of simple processes that computer users can consider to bring their Internet connections up to full speed. Most of them are relatively simple to implement and the results can often be instantaneous.
1. Upgrade your existing browser and enjoy faster Internet speeds with immediate effect. Newer versions of your existing software are often more efficient because of the way data is downloaded. Consider replacing Internet Explorer with a faster alternative such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Internet Explorer retrieves data sequentially and this makes download speeds slower.
2. Adjust your router settings to maximize hardware performance. Consult your user manual to find ways to fine-tune your router and, wherever possible, set up WPA encryption to stop neighbors from "leeching" your Internet service. Consider upgrading to a high quality router; many pieces of hardware supplied by your Internet service provider will rarely have the capabilities of more expensive pieces of equipment.
3. Consult your Internet service provider and upgrade to their latest packages. Remember that the distance you live from the exchange will influence your connection. Additionally, periods of high usage will ultimately affect your advertised speeds.
4. Open the task manager on your computer and isolate any applications that use your Internet connection to function. Many programs will operate silently in the background and because they rarely ask for consent to use your connection, you may be unaware of the fact that they are slowing down your service. Windows updates, real-time Internet security programs and online media players are just a small example of functions that might be secretly compromising your existing speeds.
5. Upgrade the aerial on your router to increase signal strength. Many routers, especially those supplied in bulk by Internet service providers, only have a length of approximately 2dBi. Purchase an alternative with a length of around 10dBi and Internet speeds can increase by up to 50 percent.
6. Use an Ethernet connection cable on all desktop computers in your household. Although wireless technology is highly convenient for laptops, it is rarely essential for computers that are used in the same location on a daily basis. Purchase a superior quality Ethernet cable with the potential for faster data transfer instead of using mass produced cables that are supplied in kits sent out by Internet service providers.
7. Read consumer reports and magazines to find out if there are faster alternatives available from other Internet service providers in your local area. You may find that you'll need to see out your existing contract first but by consulting a new provider at the earliest available opportunity, you should be able to avoid the risk of downtime when you undertake a new contract.