Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Outline Goals For Jobs

Giving yourself small checkpoints will help you along your path to success.

Nearly everyone has job goals and aspirations, but only a fraction of those people ever achieve what they're striving for. At times, your goals can seem so far off and unattainable that reaching them feels impossible. One way to attain your job goals is to do some self-reflection and to create an outline of what you want to achieve, by what time and to identify the necessary steps.


1. Identify where you ultimately want your career to take you. Set a time line for when you want to arrive at your ultimate goal and set benchmarks along the way. For example, if you want to become a senior manager at in your office within the next five years, set a goal to get a raise by the end of the year and get promoted by the end of the third year.

2. Reflect on your personal strengths and weaknesses. Think about aspects of your job you excel at and the areas you need to improve. Focus on the areas that you want to improve upon and create a short list of ideas of improve your performance.

3. Consider going back to school. Getting additional education will only increase your chances of a getting a promotion. Check the night school offerings at local technical and community colleges or graduate degree programs at a local four-year university to find a program that benefits you in your field.

4. Look for role models and mentors in your line of work. Consider how that person got to where he is today and what you can learn from his past experiences. Ask the person if he can give you any advice about moving up in the company and what he thinks about your potential. Process the advice and feedback from this person and use it to become better at your job.

5. Go above and beyond the call of duty. Hard work, determination and persistence can help you achieve your job goals faster. Exceed the expectations and job requirements can impress your superiors. Consistently high-quality job performance can put you in consideration for promotions and other job opportunities.

6. Keep yourself motivated by celebrating the little victories. Reward yourself each time you achieve one of your goals, no matter how big or small. If you receive a raise, treat yourself to a night out at your favorite restaurant.. If you get promoted, buy yourself an expensive item that you've had your eye on for quite some time. Rewarding yourself will give you something tangible to strive for.