Eat Healthy at Starbucks
It's hard to avoid the temptation of snacks at Starbucks. The coffee always seems to make you hungry, and those pastries look so good in the display case. Give some careful consideration and eat healthy when choosing Starbucks.
1. Check the nutritional content of all Starbucks menu items on their website (see Resources). Look for the "Nutrition" section.
2. Pick a bagel with jam instead of cream cheese for a low-fat option. The cinnamon-raisin bagel contains whole grains, providing healthful complex carbohydrates.
3. Select low-fat muffins or bran muffins if available. Bran muffins have the lowest fat content and high fiber to aid metabolism.
4. Choose a yogurt parfait or fruit cup from the refrigerated section instead of a pastry. Look past the loaves of breads, unless labeled "reduced fat." Many bakery breads contain 20 grams of fat or more per serving.
5. Opt for a low-fat, soy, or organic milk option for espresso beverage, or stick to black coffee or tea. Skip the whipped cream and ask for half of the syrup for flavored latte and mocha.