If you don't have a college degree you have probably found that earning $50,000 a year is a bit of a challenge. However, you can earn $50,000 or more a year at a job that doesn't require a college degree. Just find the right job and you can be on your way to a higher salary.
1. Search for jobs that typically pay a higher salary and do not require a college degree. A few of them are, air traffic controllers, some law enforcement positions like border patrol agents with experience, computer programmers, fishermen and laborers, mechanics and a few more. You can find these jobs by searching on an online job listing site, in your local paper classifieds or by networking with friends and relatives.
2. Gather information about the training involved in each job that pays 50k or more a year. Computer and network positions require technical training and certifications that can be obtained in a local technical school. Draftsmen, who can earn upwards of $80,000 a year or more, just need to know AutoCad and 3-D Drafting on MicroStation along with a willingness to learn the nuts and bolts of a trade like plumbing, engineering or manufacturing, border patrol agents require some law enforcement background, but not much.
3. Find technical schools that offer some training in the fields you are interested in. There are hundreds of private and state schools that offer technical training, as well as financial assistance. Read their brochures, decide what you time for and sign up for the classes.
4. Attend the training classes if any are required and get all the certifications you need. Add these to your resume and begin to apply to the jobs you found. Be willing to learn and be trained and express your interest in the field to the employer at the interview and they will be more likely to hire you.
5. Accept an apprenticeship as an electrician, HVAC technician, plumper or other trade. These apprenticeships usually last for a few years, do not require a degree, and after words you will be able to work your way up to a full electrician or technician status that earn $50,000 a year or more.
6. Show you can do the work. Learn more about your chosen field than the average person will pick up in a training course and apply it whenever you can. Employers want to know you can solve problems and do a lot of work, so show them you can. If you are interested in getting into computers or networking, install or develop your own network, program your own computers, build your own databases and so on.