Carnivals bring to mind images of clowns, merry-go-rounds and Ferris wheels. Their food is just as fun, but often it is high in fat and calories. Eating healthy foods can be possible, but you must make your choices wisely. The goal of choosing lower fat food choices at the carnival can be accomplished if you follow these steps.
1. Avoid certain tempting foods for the main course. These foods are excessively high in fat and calories. A regular size corn dog or hot dog has about 14 grams of fat and over 200 calories. An average 9 inch plate of nachos with cheese can be as much as 60 grams of fat and over 800 calories.
2. Choose these types of healthy foods to be included in the main course. An ounce of peanuts have about 14 grams of fat and over 150 calories and is a good choice because of the unsaturated fat. An average size soft baked pretzel is baked and may only have about 2 grams of fat and 300 calories. A sandwich with lunch meat instead of a cheeseburger can save you over 30 grams of fat and about 200 calories.
3. Avoid these carnival desserts. A funnel cake tips the scales at over 40 grams of fat and 700 calories. Soft serve ice cream is over 10 grams of fat and 200 calories.
4. Partake in these desserts if you decide to indulge. Caramel apples have 1 gram of fat and about 300 calories. Cotton candy or snow cones with about 3 oz. of syrup have no fat and around 200 calories. All of these options are high in sugar but have low or no fat.
5. Skip the sodas because of the high calories they contain. Instead choose water or even unsweetened tea.