Thursday 2 April 2015

Kill A Fly

Dead fly

Killing a fly takes more than just waving a rolled-up newspaper aimlessly in its general direction. All that is likely to do is agitate it. And it's unlikely that you will get into position where you can kill it. Some strategic steps and an effective weapon are the best way to kill a fly.


1. Get your weapon. Rolled up newspapers or magazines are usually handy and work in a pinch. One of the best fly-killing weapons, however, is a leather fly swatter. It is much more attractive and carries more heft than those chintzy plastic swatters. Keep your weapon within easy access, like on a magnet hook on the side of the fridge that is not visible. You don’t need to look at your fly swatter all the time, but you do want it handy when you need it. If you’re looking for an affordable and effective leather swatter, see Resources below.

2. Let the fly land. Swatting aimlessly at a fly flying through the air will usually not do more than knock over a lamp. Patiently wait for the fly to land on something, like a window or wall, where you can smash it with ease. Do not try to kill it if it lands on ornate china, a priceless statue or somebody’s plate of food.

3. Stand behind it. Flies have gazillions of eyes that catch movement from every angle. If you are to the side of it, it will just fly away to the other side.

4. Swat quick and dead-on. Think of smashing a pancake, thumping a fence post into the ground or using a mallet to play a xylophone. You want your swat to be fast and to the point, also coming from straight up above. Angle it even a bit, and you’ll have the fly buzzing merrily away.

5. Clean up. Please don’t leave dead fly guts stuck to the window or wall. Not only is this disgusting to look at, it is highly unsanitary. Contrary to some beliefs, it will not scare other flies away from buzzing around your house.