Monday 27 April 2015

Lose Weight After Acl Surgery

Inactivity and weight gain can be frustrating factor when recovering from ACL surgery.

Tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament is a common knee injury. After surgery to repair the ACL, you need to let the muscle heal completely and then retrain it, all while dealing with pain and muscle weakness. If you are overweight, recovery can be frustrating because you may tend to put on pounds while you are less active. Losing weight after ACL surgery is difficult, but there are ways you can avoid gaining weight and perhaps even lose a few pounds by emphasizing leafy greens and high-fiber foods and doing low-impact exercises at home.


1. Evaluate your diet and eating habits. You need to eat fewer calories. Avoid processed foods and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not drink any soft drinks and or eat junk food full of empty calories.

2. Do not eat out of boredom. The frustration of bed rest and temporary immobility might tempt you to eat comfort food. Prepare alternatives to distract your mind from food. Do a crossword puzzle, read an interesting book or listen to music to help the urge to snack pass.

3. Get permission from your doctor before resuming physical activity. If you start exercising too soon, you may damage your knee joint or prolong your recovery.

4. Start with low-impact exercise. Mild cardiovascular exercise, such as walking and swimming, will speed up your metabolism and burn calories.

5. Try simple exercises when you are sitting on the couch or are in bed. Tighten your abs while maintaining proper posture and engage them for 10 seconds. Curl 5-pound weights with your arms while you are watching TV. Lie flat and stretch out your arms, legs and back. Do some gentle yoga stretches in a sitting position.