Friday 10 April 2015

Lose Weight Fast To Conceive

Make changes to your diet and exercise routine to lose weight before conception.

If you want to conceive and you are currently overweight, maintaining your present lifestyle puts you at risk for complications such as gestational diabetes during your pregnancy. Women who are overweight before they become pregnant are also more likely to deliver their baby by Cesarean section. If you are planning to conceive, now is the time to start a weight loss plan. Doctors maintain that a healthy weight before conception actually increases your chances of conceiving, especially if you have had trouble getting pregnant in the past. Make a few lifestyle changes before you become pregnant that will last through your pregnancy and, hopefully, the rest of your life.


1. Consult your doctor. Ask him to do a complete physical and inform him of your desire to conceive. He can describe a diet and exercise plan according to how much weight is healthy for you to lose. He can also inform you about how long you should wait after you shed excess pounds before it is safe to try to conceive.

2. Start eating correctly. Fill your diet with plant-based foods including nuts, beans and whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Consume lean cuts of meat and fat-free dairy products.

3. Change the number of meals you eat. Eat a snack or smaller meals six times a day, or every two to three hours. Avoid three large meals a day. More frequent, lighter meals will help to stabilize your blood sugar and curb your cravings. Your stomach always has food in it so you never feel like you have to eat. Take healthy snacks with you when you go out.

4. Exercise every day. Spend at least 30 minutes burning any excess calories you might have consumed. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, exercise an hour to an hour and a half each day. Choose activities like swimming or walking that you can continue once you become pregnant so you can continue your routine throughout your pregnancy.

5. Start training your muscles. While it is important to exercise all your muscle groups, focus on areas that will need to be stronger to support the weight of your baby as your pregnancy progresses. Leg, back and abdominal muscles are the three most important areas you will need to use.

6. Sign up for a yoga class. Yoga helps to ease stress and relax while strengthening your muscles simultaneously. It is also easy to transition from a regular yoga class into a prenatal one in order to focus on parts of your body that will be used during childbirth. Yoga can also help to alleviate the stress and worries that come with pregnancy, labor and delivery. Become familiar with yoga before you get pregnant so the transition is effortless into a prenatal class.