Monday 6 April 2015

Learn Self Hypnosis For Free

Learn Self Hypnosis for Free

Self-hypnosis is an excellent way to reduce stress, reinforce positive ideas and make healthy changes in your life. You don't need any special skills or training to learn do it. To learn the self-hypnosis process, you simply have to practice a few simple steps. If you do them every day, you'll learn hypnotize yourself and you'll be able to reap the benefits in lower stress and a more positive outlook.


1. Choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed. Initially your self-hypnosis session should run about 30 minutes, although you can shorten or lengthen it once you learn do it. Make sure you will not be bothered during that half hour and that you have a comfortable, quiet place where you can sit or lie down with your eyes closed.

2. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and release any thoughts, worries, or concerns that are currently in your mind. This is usually the most difficult part to learn. If you catch yourself thinking or worrying, don't judge yourself for the slip-up. Just acknowledge it and release the thoughts. In your mind, picture them flying far away.

3. Once you have reached a calm state of mind, release the tension in your body. Starting with your toes, tighten each body part, hold the tension for a few seconds, then release it. Work your way up the body until you reach the top of your head. As you release each part, visualize the tension evaporating in a cloud or imagine soothing water lapping over your body. Use an image that you see as relaxing. Continue your slow, deep breathing throughout this step and for the entire session.

4. Bring yourself down into a state of self-hypnosis by imagining that you are walking down a flight of ten stairs. Visualize a giant number 10 in your mind, and picture yourself slowly walking down. As you walk down each stair, the number changes. In your mind, repeat the words, "I am becoming more deeply relaxed with every step. My body is getting lighter and my tension is gone. I am in a state of total relaxation."

5. When you reach the bottom of the staircase, repeat positive affirmations aimed at the specific goals you wish to achieve. For example, if you want to build your confidence, repeat, "I am a capable person, and I will act with confidence today." If you want to lose weight, repeat, "I will choose the foods I put into my body today, and I will only choose healthy options and sensible portions." Repeat the affirmation five times, imaging the words glowing with positive energy.

6. When you are done with the affirmations, take a few minutes just to relax. As you did in step 2, empty your mind of thoughts and continue to breathe slowly and deeply.

7. When you feel ready, imagine yourself walking back up the staircase. Picture the numbers again, but start with ten this time and work your way backwards. As you take each step, tell yourself, "I am getting more alert and energized with each step." When you reach the top step, tell yourself, "I am awake and ready to face the rest of the day," then open your eyes.

8. Repeat this process on a daily basis. Learning self-hypnosis takes practice, so if you do it regularly, your skills will quickly grow.