Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Heal Faster From An Umbilical Hernia Surgery

According to the American College of Surgeons, a hernia takes place where a small tear or opening is created in the muscles of the abdomen, allowing a portion of the bowels to escape. An umbilical hernia is a hernia which occurs near the umbilical region of the abdominal wall, creating a small bulge in the stomach where the intestine has pushed through. Surgery is the most common method for correcting a hernia, and you can improve your recovery through a few simple steps.


1. Consult with your physician about the type of anesthesia that will be used in your particular operation, requesting local anesthesia if possible. According to information from the Procedure Specific Postoperative Pain Management Group, the use of local anesthesia has been shown to reduce the amount of time you will have to spend in the hospital when compared with the alternative measures (general and spinal anesthesia). In addition to shortening your recovery time from the surgery, local anesthesia also minimizes the chance of side effects such as pain and nausea.

2. Follow your doctor's advice completely regarding prohibited and restricted activities following a hernia surgery. This normally means abstaining from intense physical activity, heavy lifting, and most forms of exercise. Improving your recovery from hernia surgery means placing your ego on the shelf for the moment, avoiding the temptation to rush back to the gym the second you feel back to normal.

3. Follow a healthy diet to improve recovery outcomes from hernia surgery. After surgery, your body will have increased nutritional demands to facilitate the healing procedure. Be sure to consume plenty of fresh, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean protein in order to provide your body with the building blocks that it requires to effectuate a complete recovery in the least possible amount of time. Aim to consume five or six small meals spaced evenly throughout the day, each containing a fruit or vegetable, a grain, and a protein source (from meat or dairy) to improve your ability to recover from umbilical hernia surgery.