Monday, 13 July 2015

Exercise Safely While Pregnant

Moderate exercise and the mom-to-be go together like carrots and ranch dip. You'll have more energy and be less worried about gaining weight, and your body will bounce back more quickly after the baby is born.


1. Check with your doctor and get permission to exercise.

2. Understand that if you were quite active before becoming pregnant, it's likely that you can continue what you were doing, with some modifications.

3. Try nonimpact exercises, such as stationary cycling or water aerobics. Walking is also excellent; just be sure to have cushioned shoes.

4. Shoot for three exercise sessions a week, and include rest days.

5. Don't let yourself get too exhausted - the exercise should be refreshing, not draining. Your body is busy enough right now.

6. Drink plenty of water and avoid getting too hot.

7. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

8. Remember that pregnancy isn't the time to set any personal bests.

9. Note that as you get bigger, your center of gravity changes, so watch your step with anything like step aerobics or jogging.

10. Don't do any exercise while flat on your back once you pass the third month.

11. Look for a mom-to-be exercise class at your hospital or fitness facility.