Friday, 31 July 2015

Fix Orange Haircolor

Don't run to the salon quite yet; you can fix your orange haircolor disaster at home.

It is often a guessing game when women dye their hair a different color, especially from one tone to another, since there is no guarantee of what the final color will look like. When dyeing or bleaching your hair from brunette to blonde, or from blonde to red, you risk the chance of having your hair turn a shade of orange. Fortunately, this hair nightmare has a quick and inexpensive fix. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Apply a medium- or dark-blonde demipermanent color to your damp hair. Demipermanent color is not permanent, so using the color might leave you with a slightly reddish tone but should completely remove the orange tint from your hair.

2. Leave the demipermanent dye in your hair long enough to remove the orange. If you wash the dye out too soon, you hair will remain stuck in the orange phase of coloring. Try not to use the demipermanent color again if it doesn't completely remove the orange color, as it may further damage your hair.

3. Use blue shampoo, such as Aveda Blue Malva Shampoo, with each wash for a few days after using demipermanent color on your hair. Blue shampoo neutralizes brassy, or orange, hues in chemically treated hair. If desired, following the blue shampoo treatment with blue conditioner.

4. Follow your treatment method of choice with color-safe shampoo and conditioner so that your hair keeps its healthy shine and won't dry out.

5. Refrain from putting any more hair dye, bleach, or other chemicals in your hair for a few weeks. Let it become healthy again, then go ahead and experiment with different colors, if desired.