The Illiotibial band runs from the gluteus muscles down the outside of the leg to the ankle.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome is a condition where the iliotibial band becomes inflamed and swollen due to use. The iliotibial band, also known as the ITB, runs from the gluteus muscles down the outside of the leg to the ankle area. Runners are highly susceptible to the ITB syndrome. Using specialized wraps on the knee helps to alleviate some of the ITB syndrome's pain when applied properly.
1. Stretch the ITB knee wrap by pulling on both ends.
2. Feel the hardened knob on the center of the knee wrap.
3. Wrap the ITB knee wrap around the knee so the hardened disc inside the wrap is on the outer edge of the patella, also known as the knee cap.
4. Attach the velcro so the knee wrap is tight, but not so tight it constricts blood flow.
5. Check the wrap is applying pressure just above the knee cap and that the bulk of the pressure is to the outside of the patella.