Find the P6 Pressure Point
The P6 pressure point--sometimes called the Inner Gate--is a place on the wrist that accupuncture and accupressure experts use to relieving nausea or motion sickness, according to accupressure expert Virpi Tervonen. Travelers prone to motion sickness and women experiencing nausea during childbirth can use the P6 to relieve their symptoms, reports Debra Betts, a registered nurse and accupuncture expert.
1. Turn your arm so that your palm is facing upward. Lift your palm slightly until you can see the line in the skin marking the end of the palm and the beginning of the wrist. Accupressure practitioners call this the wrist line.
2. Measure three finger widths from the wrist line to the middle of your wrist. Locate the two tendons in the middle of your wrist--these are the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis.
3. Find the spot between the two tendons in the wrist--this is the P6 pressure point. A slightly sore feeling when you press the point will indicate you have found the P6, according to accupressure expert Virpi Tervonen.