Thursday, 17 December 2015

Name A Band

Choosing a name for your band is a time-consuming and crucial step to ensuring your success in the music recording industry. Your band’s name should be memorable and unique, but not offensive.Finding the right name and having all band members agree to use it, can take some time and will involve some degree of compromise. Selecting a strong name from the beginning is important to the success of your band and will help you in your marketing efforts.


1. Find inspiration in books and movies. Use character names, names of authors and the names of the movies themselves.

2. Pull out an atlas and find an interesting city or town name. Don’t limit yourself to one country and consider names of rivers and lakes. You can find some exotic-sounding names if you expand your search to far away countries.

3. Page through the dictionary and encyclopedia and look for words that are easy to pronounce and hard to forget. Use a word that will bring to mind a vivid image that nearly everyone can understand right away.

4. Dig out your old history book and name your band after keys events in history. Your band could by “Magna Carta” or “Prohibition” or one of many other historical events.

5. Use band members’ names. Try a combination of first or last names. If one of your band members has a compelling last name, consider using it as the name of your band.

6. Research disease names. “Acoustic neuroma” or “yellow fever” could become your band's new name. Just be sure to choose a name that does not have too many negative connotations.

7. Read fairy tales and name your band after a classic fairy tale or a character in the fairy tale. You might decide that "Rapunzel" or "King Stefan" would fit perfectly on a CD cover.

8. Buy a baby book. Many of the old-fashioned names make memorable band names. “Homer” or “Bertha Mae” could become your band's new name. Or, you might find interesting old names in your own family if you research your family tree.

9. Look to the weather for storm and climate-related names. You'll find plenty of inspiration when you visit Names like "Cold Front" or "Typhoon" may just have the drama you want in a band name.

10. Ask family and friends for suggestions. You never know just who will come up with a great name for your band. It could be your grandmother or four-year-old sister.

11. Choose a name that reflects a hobby that you all share. Perhaps the entire band enjoys fishing, making “Bait” a logical choice.