For some, having home phone service is a necessity, while for others it is a luxury. If you are trying to save some extra money or you're choosing to go green, you may be contemplating getting rid of your home phone service. Disconnecting your home phone service can take as little as a few hours. If after getting your service terminated you wish to reinstate it, you may do so at any time.
1. Gather your account information. Find a past telephone bill that contains your account number. You will need this information along with the answers to the security questions you set up, your home phone number, full name and address.
2. Call your telephone company and say you would like your phone service disconnected. Be aware that the phone service may take several hours to be completely removed.
3. Lift up your receiver to make sure there is no dial tone. It should be a dead line, but in some cases you will still have a dial tone, but you will not be able to make calls for a while before the line is disconnected.