Pay for Plastic Surgery
In most cases, plastic surgery is not covered by health insurance. Figuring out pay for the surgery can be, in many cases, the toughest obstacle to overcome.
1. Check with your health insurer. Some procedures, like breast reduction and repair of physical deformities, may be covered under your health plan.
2. Talk to your doctor about ways to make your procedure coverable under your insurance plan. Many times if a procedure is worded properly, so that your insurer understands the health benefits of your procedure, it can be reimbursable under your policy.
3. Try to save the money to pay for your surgery ahead of time. Deduct a certain amount of your paycheck every pay period, and put the money away in a piggybank or a bank account opened solely for the purpose of paying for your procedure.
4. Charge the procedure onto your credit card. Call your credit card company ahead of time to determine your credit limits.
5. Save enough money to pay for half of the procedure, and charge the remaining half onto your credit card.
6. Take out a personal loan from your bank or credit union at work.
7. Ask your doctor to finance your procedure. Many plastic surgeons offer financing, with interest rates ranging from 9.9 percent to 19.8 percent.
8. Tell your family not to buy you any more gifts for your birthday or holidays, but to give you cash earmarked for the plastic surgery you want.