Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Ideas For Homeschool Support Group Meetings

Keeping an ongoing list of potential topics for discussion at homeschool support group meetings will increase your group's productive use of time and help to to track the scope and diversity of topics you are discussing, so that you can get an overview of how beneficial the support group is proving to be. Ask the other members for their ideas for homeschool support group meetings, and soon you will have plenty of items to discuss at every support group get-together.

Field Trips and Social Activities

Discuss possible field trips for the homeschool group to take. Members should offer suggestions based on personal experiences. If you feel that you are in a rut, try looking into field trip ideas from the Home School Buyers Co-op. There is a list of field trips available by state. (See Reference 1.) This list is available to everyone; you do not have to be a member to access it. Social activities like a park day or bowling day are a lot of fun. The parents can usually plan these quickly.

Co-op and Classes

Every parent has a unique set of skills and experiences. You may find doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, and financial wizards within the group. Teaching classes brings the group together. Forming a co-op can be simple or complicated. The co-op can operate by requiring parents to teach classes one at a time on a rotating basis. A more elaborate co-op is where many classes are offered each semester and parents must teach or help out in some way. Large co-ops usually charge a fee for participation.

Graduation and Proms

Graduating from high school is a milestone in a young person's life. A graduation ceremony where the kids walk and receive their diplomas is an event that they will reflect upon for the rest of their lives. Planning a graduation ceremony takes the coordination of many individuals and early planning is a must.

A high school prom is a fun way for the upperclassmen or women to dress up and have a special night of their own. Lots of planning is involved. Asking the high school kids to participate in the planning and execution of a prom teaches them about teamwork and responsibility.

Clubs and Teams

Forming clubs and teams are important for older kids. Debate clubs and teams, book clubs, cheer teams and sports are all important activities for children. Check with other homeschool support groups in the area to see if they have teams your group can compete against. Some states do not allow homeschoolers to compete against public and private schools. Know the state requirements prior to forming a team.