Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Upgrade An Automobile Computer Chip

A four-cylinder engine can be upgraded.

Upgrading a car's computer chip is called "flashing" the engine control unit, or ECU. By flashing your ECU, you can obtain substantial gains in horsepower and torque, though this is largely dependent on what engine you have. It should be noted that flashing your ECU will void your vehicle's warranty even if you reverse the flash before taking it to the dealership. The dealer may or may not be able to detect it, again depending upon the car and what flashing system you use.


1. Determine the year, make, model, and powertrain in your car as well as any other modifications previously made to your car. This is important because not all engines can be flashed and generally flash software will only work within a specific family of engines. The electronics in your car may be different from other similar models that were made in different years and even in the same year. Car modifications may necessitate a trip to a dynometer to properly calibrate the flashing software. Dynometers measure the power output of a car and require the assistance of an expert to use this data with a ECU flasher.

2. Determine which flasher system you need. There are three kinds of ECU flashers: the software flash, the plug-in/soldered chip, and the in-line flasher. Each has its advantages and drawback, though not all options are available for all engines and you will need to research your specific make, model, year, and powertrain. The software flash is the easiest to install, in most cases, with the software loaded onto the pre-existing electronics. The plug-in/soldered option is the hardest because you must plug another chip into the circuit board or even solder it on, which carries the greatest risk of damage. A newer option of a plug-in flasher is available, whereby the flashed chip is plugged in between the wires going from the ECU to the engine. This is the easiest to install, though not many cars are currently supported.

3. Install the software flasher by plugging in the flasher module to the diagnostic port on your car. Some require the car to be off, some require it to be on. Most newer cars have this port, however you may need to buy a adaptor depending on the make, model, and year of your car. Once it is plugged in, follow the instructions included in the kit. They usually require entering codes for your chosen level of performance because the flasher is capable of variable levels of horsepower and torque boosting. This method is reversible, in most circumstances, though some flashes can only be reset by special machines at dealerships.

4. Install the plug-in chip by opening the ECU box on your car after turning off your car. The location of the ECU varies by make, model, and year of your car. The kit will tell you where to plug in the plug-in chip, which is usually the diagnostic port. To install the solder chip, you typically must remove another chip or attach the chip at a junction. Exercise caution and, if you have any doubts, seek expert assistance. You can damage your car if you connect the wrong wires with solder. This method is irreversible.

5. Install the plug-in in-line flasher, which resides on a chip in a special wire. Locate the control wire from the ECU to the engine. The car needs to be off when you plug the wire in. Turn on the car and you should have an instant power gain. If you want to return to stock performance, turn off the car, unplug the wire and reconnect the old wire.