Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Repair A Broken Laptop Screen

Replacing your laptop screen can be done in an afternoon once you have the proper part.

There is nothing more frustrating than a broken laptop screen. Whether you have dropped your laptop or stepped on it,once the screen is cracked it has to be replaced. Having the screen repaired may cost you almost as much as a new laptop. Purchasing a new screen from the manufacturer can also be expensive. Taking the time to look online at computer message boards or resellers can help you to find a reasonably priced screen. By following a few easy steps, you can replace your cracked screen and have a functioning laptop in an afternoon.


1. Determine what model laptop screen will fit your laptop. Ordering a screen directly from the manufacturer can be almost as expensive as buying a new laptop. Look at online computer message boards, auction sites and retailers to find less expensive options.

2. Disconnect any power source, including the battery pack, from your laptop before you begin.

3. Locate and remove the four to six screws that hold the bezel, or plastic frame cover, in place. The screws sometimes have small plastic or rubber covers over them.

4. Pull the plastic bezel away from the screen cautiously, working around the edge. Some bezels snap in and out of place. A small flat-head screwdriver may be helpful in prying the edge of the bezel away from the screen.

5. Pull the screen forward gently. You will find two main wires behind it. The ribbon-like wire, or video cable, is usually taped in place. Remove the tape and disconnect the video cable from your broken screen. Remove the broken screen from its metal frame.

6. Connect the new screen to the video cable and pop it into the metal frame. Replace the tape, plastic frame and screws. Power up your computer and test your new screen.