Thursday 19 March 2015

Get Signed As A Cover Band

Cover bands must constantly self-promote and showcase their original material to get signed.

Many musical groups get their start as cover bands. New musicians know that they have to start somewhere, and writing your own songs isn't always as easy as it seems. A cover band learns play songs by their favorite artist or artists, while gradually grasping the basics of composing their own songs. If you are in a cover band and want to get signed to a record deal, you can do so with a few things every aspiring band must know.


1. Hire someone to be the manager for your band, or appoint a band member to act as manager. All bands need a manager, even in their early days. This person will take control of the business side of things pertaining to your band, including getting you some gigs to play live.

2. Record some demo CDs of your band playing. Invest in a local studio that charges a reasonable fee for usage. Alternatively, if you or someone else in your band has his own recording equipment, even if it's on a computer, use that. Record at least six songs for some variety, and include at least one or two original songs. It is very important to record your music for distribution to concert-goers at clubs or even arenas in your local area.

3. Contact local clubs in your area, or have your manager do that. Make a trip to clubs and bring copies of your demo CD to give to the club. Many clubs give local bands the chance to play live, sometimes even opening for more well-known bands.

4. Promote your band by creating flyers. This is important to do whenever you are playing a live gig. Distribute flyers at and outside the clubs where you will play, and at other clubs nearby. This is a good way to draw attendees to your show.

5. Play every live gig like it was your last. Put your entire heart and soul into your performance, even if you have 10 people in the audience. Think of the 10 people as 10,000. Your goal is to win over the crowd and gain fans, which will increase your popularity. One of the 10 could very well end up being a promoter or employee of a record company. Always play at least a few of your own original songs to any live audience to truly showcase your band.

6. Interact with people who see your band play live. Be extremely personable and friendly. Thank the people who came to see you play and take pictures with them.