Friday 27 March 2015

Hypnotize Someone With Your Eyes

Hypnosis has been defined as a natural state of consciousness that each of us has experienced many times in our lives. Thus, the art of hypnotizing is as fascinating as the trance it often puts people in. More importantly, hypnosis has been used to change unwanted habits or behaviors. In fact, in 1958 the American Medical Association approved hypnosis as a form of treatment in medicine and surgery. Learning the various methods and techniques to hypnotize does not require a great deal of expertise. Among one of the simplest techniques is to hypnotize with the eyes.


1. Ask your partner about previous experiences with hypnosis. This will help you better gauge get him to relax. Explain that being hypnotized does not remove his consciousness and that he will have control over his actions.

2. Watch for any movements or changes in breathing patterns. Pay close attention to such things as shifts in posture, muscular tension and even swallowing.

3. Sit down in a chair. Have your partner sit down across from you so that he is facing you. Look directly into his eyes as if looking through them. Advise your subject not to break the stare unless instructed to do so.

4. Continue staring into your partner's eyes. Tell your partner to allow relaxation to pass through the body. Count slowly from one to five taking considerable time after each number. Keep your eyes locked on your partner's eyes. Continue to reinforce relaxation of the body by breathing and repeating the word "relax."

5. Say "I'm looking deeper into your eyes" continuing to gauge response. Begin to offer visual suggestions such as "floating like a feather" or "walking down a long staircase." Again, watch for movements or shifts and especially the state of the eyes. Look for widening of the eyes, even if slight. Also, look closely to see if the subject appears to be looking through you.

6. Count slowly and repeating the following: "Your eyes are beginning to flutter." As his eyes begin to do so, make a wiping motion with your hand before his eyes. Ask him how he feels to get a response and to ensure he is no longer hypnotized.