Tuesday 10 March 2015

Get A Second Opinion Before Hernia Surgery

Get a Second Opinion Before Hernia Surgery

Before submitting to hernia surgery, you might consider your options to get a second opinion. There may not be a question about the need to have hernia repair, but there are choices in the types of procedures that are performed. If you have any doubts about what your surgeon is offering, get another opinion before submitting to surgery.


Realize the Value of a Second Opinion

1. Understand that you have a right to get a second opinion before scheduling hernia surgery if it is not an emergency. Ask your surgeon for specifics about the type of surgery she recommends and her reasons for her choice. Compare this information with that from another surgeon.

2. Make an informed decision when you get a second opinion about hernia surgery. Ask the same questions as you did to your primary surgeon.

3. Request your surgeon to send a copy of your records to the doctor you've selected for a second opinion. This may avoid the need for having duplicate testing performed.

4. Make a call to the doctor you've selected to get a second opinion from prior to your scheduled office visit to verify he has received your records. You may need to hand carry the records with you to the visit.

5. Ask your local medical society for the names of surgeons who perform hernia operations. These societies can be located by calling your local hospital's information line.

6. Search the list of providers given with your insurance policy if you're in a managed care plan. If you have difficulty locating a surgeon for a second opinion, give your provider a call to get the name of a surgeon near you.

7. Get a second opinion only from a surgeon who practices in an accredited health care facility. A hospital should be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH). When you choose your hospital, ask if the surgeon you're considering has privileges to operate in that facility.

8. Talk to family and friends who have had surgery recently by a general surgeon or one who specializes in hernia repair. A second opinion by someone you know about may give you more confidence in the diagnosis and treatment plan.