Wednesday 11 March 2015

Get Cheap Internet Without A Land Line

There are a variety of options for inexpensive Internet if you don't have a traditional phone.

With the advent of cellular phone service and broadband and wireless Internet, it is no longer necessary to have a conventional phone line to get on the Internet. This can lower the cost of getting Internet service, making it much more affordable.


1. Look for a coffee shop or local library that offers free wireless Internet service for your laptop or has computers available for you to use.

2. Call your cell phone provider and find out if it has a data plan it can add to your current phone plan. This can enable you to access the Internet through your phone for a minimal additional charge.

3. Look at pre-paid wireless card plans. A wireless card or cellular modem plugs into your laptop or computer through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port and connects you to the Internet, usually at a high speed. These cards, if purchased through a pre-paid wireless company, are offered without a contract for about $50 a month. The device itself usually costs around $80, depending on the company.

4. Ask your phone company if you can get a digital subscriber line (DSL) without getting phone service. Most phone companies will allow this and charge as little as $20 a month for the plan. There may be installation charges.

5. Call a satellite company and have satellite Internet service installed. These plans are usually more expensive than DSL, but allow more usage overall than cellular phone plans for a lower monthly rate. If you don't have access to DSL service or live in a place where cell signal is low, this can be a viable option that costs as little as $50 a month.