Monday 9 March 2015

Get A Butt Lift

A butt lift --- also known as a Brazilian butt lift --- is a popular form of cosmetic surgery. The procedure is available at plastic surgery offices across the country and can emphasize your backside and reduce the appearance of lumps. According to, as of 2009, the cost of a butt lift ranges from $2,000 to $10,000. Since any cosmetic operation can be dangerous if not approached correctly, certain steps must be taken to guarantee that your experience goes well.


1. Check the surgeon's credentials. It is important to select a board-certified plastic surgeon. Check online at for the American Board of Plastic Surgery or for the American Board of Medical Specialties. The link for checking on your physician will be on the left side of the page on both sites. If you have more than one surgeon in mind, read patient reviews and testimonials.

2. Go to a consultation. Bring a copy of your medical records. It is essential that you answer all of the plastic surgeon's questions about your medical history during the initial meeting. Furthermore, let her know your expectations of the butt lift procedure. The surgeon may take pictures of your lower body.

3. See your primary physician. Tell him about your plan to have butt lift surgery. You will be required to have extensive blood work drawn to test for conditions such as blood-clotting disorders. You must have a medical clearance before a certified surgeon will perform the procedure.

4. Pay the plastic surgeon. Insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery, but financing is available. Ask your surgeon whether she offers in-house financing or if she can refer you to a company that specializes in cosmetic financing.

5. Go to the operation. The procedure can take several hours, and you will be released following it as long as there are no complications. Have someone drive you home as you will be unable to operate a vehicle for a few days. Follow all your surgeon's instructions to ensure that you recover as quickly as possible.