Wednesday 4 March 2015

Gain Weight & Lose Belly Fat

Weights and resistance bands can help engage the abdominal muscles.

Losing belly fat while gaining weight through bulking up with muscle is difficult to accomplish at the same time, but not impossible. The challenge lies in that the formula for burning fat can contradict the method for gaining weight through muscle development. However, with passionate dedication, the goal is attainable. The process will likely be slow unless you are considerably overweight.



1. Establish a workout schedule for your exercise program. If the greater challenge for you is gaining weight through muscle development, choose a four day on, three day off regimen. If you need to concentrate more on losing the weight on your belly, a six day on, one day off routine will work best for you.

2. For a muscle-building routine, work the lower body on Monday, the upper body on Tuesday, take Wednesday off, work the lower body on Thursday, the upper body on Friday and take Saturday and Sunday off. For a fat-burning regimen, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday do a cardio rotation, on Monday and Thursday a whole body workout with weights and resistance, and take Sunday off.

3. Coordinate your diet with your workout regimen. On the days you do not train with weights, monitor your fat, sugar and carbohydrate intake with a fat-burning diet, which will include high amounts of grains, fruits, vegetables and protein and low amounts of sugar, salt and trans-fats. There are a variety of fat-burning diet options, which can enable you to find the ideal version for your lifestyle. On the days you do weight train, incorporate more carbohydrates, like whole grains, into your diet. This will help you avoid gaining fat with muscle.

4. Switch your routine from fat burning to muscle building or vice versa. Spend five to six weeks with the muscle-building workout and three to four weeks with the fat-burning workout. This will help you to achieve both of your fitness goals.

Ab Exercise #1

5. Lie flat on your back on the floor or on a yoga mat. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor in front of your butt. Your head and neck should be resting on the floor as well.

6. Lift your butt and lower back off the floor so your weight is on your shoulders and feet. Your back should be straight.

7. Hold in this position for five to 15 seconds and release. Repeat this for five to 10 repetitions.

Ab Exercise #2

8. Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. Keep your head and neck flat on the ground as well.

9. Lift your legs straight up into the air, trying to keep your knees from bending, so that your legs are perpendicular to your body.

10. Slowly bring your legs back down to the ground, counting to 10 as you do so.

11. Stop when your feet are several inches above the ground and hover here for three seconds, keeping your legs as straight as possible. Release and repeat for five to 10 repetitions.