Friday, 2 October 2015

Request An Interview With A Reality Tv Star

Do you write articles or blog posts related to reality TV? Would you like to interview a reality TV star? Keep reading to find out request an interview with a reality TV star. While I can't guarantee the following advice will land you an interview, it will at least increase your chances.


1. Find the star's official website or MySpace page. You can usually find this by performing an Internet search of the star's name.

2. Search the star's website or MySpace page for a "Contact" link. If you find the reality TV star's contact information, look for the information for their publicist.

3. Send an email to the reality TV star's publicist to request an interview. Place "Interview Request--[Name of the Reality TV Star]" in the subject line. Then in the body of the email, let the publicist know you're a writer for X magazine, website or blog and would like to arrange an interview with the reality TV star. In a new paragraph, specify how you prefer to conduct the interview (email or phone). If you said you prefer to conduct the interview by email, then (if you can) let the publicist know that if it's more convenient for the star, you would be available to do the interview via phone, or vice versa if you said you prefer phone.In your last paragraph, instruct the publicist to contact you and let you know if the interview with the reality star can be arranged, and end the email with thanks and your name. Here's a sample interview request that you're more than welcome to tweak and use if you'd like:I am a writer for X or X or and would love to interview [star's name] to be featured in X or on If [Mr./Ms.] [star's name] is available, I can conduct the interview with [him/her] either through email or by phone. I prefer to do the interview via email, but if it's more convenient for [Mr./Ms.] [star's name], we can do the interview by phone. Please contact me and let me know if this could be arranged.Thanks,Your nameWriter, X or

4. Check your email to the publicist for spelling, grammar or any other mistakes. If the email has mistakes, correct them.

5. Send your email to the reality TV star's publicist, and pray that the publicist responds soon.