Friday, 23 October 2015

Plant Parade Roses

Miniature roses will grow into a nice-sized bush.

Parade roses, like other types of miniature roses, have simple growing requirements that are easy to fulfill. One of the most important parts of rose care is preparing the planting site, since it will stay there for several years, so take the time to find a sunny spot with good drainage. Give the rose plenty of space since it will grow into a medium-sized bush rose. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Dig a hole for the miniature parade rose twice as large as the root ball with a shovel. Mix equal parts perlite and peat moss with the removed soil in a wheelbarrow. Make a mound in the center of the hole about half the size of the root mass.

2. Remove the rose from the container and inspect the roots. Trim off any broken or dead roots using a pair of pruning shears wiped clean with rubbing alcohol to prevent spreading any disease to the roots.

3. Spread the roots of the parade rose over the mound evenly, giving it a good base to grow on. Add the prepared soil from the wheelbarrow, tamping it down firmly over the roots until you fill the hole, and then mound it up a little more around the base of the stem.

4. Moisten the area in a circle within 12 inches of the rose plant using warm or room-temperature water, not cold water, giving it at least a gallon of water to settle the soil and keep the roots wet. Check the soil every day and add a few ounces of water if it is dry. Keep the soil damp but not soggy until you see signs of growth.

5. Mulch the area under the rose bush with 4 to 6 inches of ground root mulch to help conserve moisture under the plant and keep weeds away.

6. Fertilize the rose bush when the first buds form with a balanced fertilizer according to the manufacturer's directions and then every two weeks during the growing season.