Freckles are common on children and often fade with age.
Freckles are groups of concentrated melanin, or pigmentation, that cause small, dark spots on the skin. Freckles are often visible on fair-skin tones, particularly on the face. While many people find freckles attractive, if you have lived with them for your whole life, you might want to remove them. Invasive treatments are available to remove freckles, however, these procedures often cost thousands of dollars. According to Stephanie L. Tourles, author of "Organic Body Care Recipes," a home remedy will remove your freckles over time for a fraction of the cost of professional treatments. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Combine lemon juice, plain yogurt and buttermilk in a small plastic container. Stir with a spoon until thoroughly mixed.
2. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
3. Apply the mixture over your entire face or just the spots with freckles. The mixture will hydrate your skin in addition to removing freckles.
4. Allow the mixture to sit on your face for 25 minutes.
5. Rinse away with warm water and allow your face to air dry.
6. Repeat twice daily, in the morning and in the evening, for three to four months, to remove your freckles completely. You should notice them begin to lighten after five or six treatments.
7. Store any unused mixture in a sealed container, in the refrigerator, for no longer than one week. After one week, discard the mixture and make a new batch.