Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Make Belly Bands For Greyhounds

Make Belly Bands for Greyhounds

Male Greyhounds, especially un-neutered ones, are notorious for spraying, a lifting of the leg to urinate on everything. Often training does not work as spraying is a natural behavior used to mark territory. A belly band is a good solution for this problem. A belly band can be called a male diaper. It is a band of fabric that wraps around the greyhound's belly and holds urine. While readily available in many pet stores, it can also be made easily.


1. Measure your dog around his stomach. Start at the top of his back and then go around his stomach and up to the top of the back again. Record this measurement.

2. Cut your fabric to the length you just measured. The width of your band can vary, but ideally it should be between 1 and 2 feet. To save cost, you can use a scrap of fabric you already have on hand, as long as it is large enough.

3. Fold your fabric in half lengthwise with the pretty or printed side facing inward.

4. Sew the sides of the fabric together. Leave one end open. Turn your fabric inside out. Now your printed side is facing out and you have one edge open. Close the final end by sewing it together.

5. Place Velcro on the ends of your fabric strip. Place the fabric so that when you wrap the band around the greyhound, the Velcro will keep it on. The easiest way to do this is to pin the Velcro strips and then try to wrap it around your greyhound. If they are in the proper position, sew the Velcro onto the fabric.

6. Slide a sanitary napkin into the band to catch the urine when the greyhounds sprays or urinates. You can also use a small sized diaper. Since the band is snug, the diaper or pad will stay put inside the band. When you remove the band, you can dispose of the pad or diaper.