Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Install A Lap Pool

A lap pool is a unique swimming facility used almost exclusively for exercise. It differs from a standard swimming pool in shape and configuration. While a conventional swimming pool offers areas for swimming, wading and general fun, the lap pool is usually an elongated rectangle the width of one swimming lane. This shape allows the swimmer to exercise in a smaller, space-saving pool. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Plan your project. Determine the possible dimensions of a lap pool that will fit in your backyard. Make sure the pool will provide enough room for its intended purpose. Most swimmers calculate the number of laps to the mile as part of their exercise program.

2. Excavate the area of the pool and a space about two feet beyond the intended walls of the pool to provide a work space. This portion of the project usually requires a contractor with the proper equipment to remove the soil and haul it off-site.

3. Construct the pool walls according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some pool projects use metal wall panels, while others use plastics. These walls provide the smooth surface the vinyl pool liner will rest against. Install any skimmers or connections necessary for the filter system.

4. Pour a "cement collar" around the base of the pool wall on the exterior side of the construction. This anchors the pool in place.

5. Line the bottom of the pool with clean sand at the proper depth as specified by the pool liner instructions.

6. Hang the pool liner from the pool walls. The pool liner is the waterproof part of the pool, so it should be handled carefully. Keep the liner as wrinkle-free as possible.

7. Fill the pool with water and back fill the space between the back of the pool walls and the ground of the yard. Allow the backfill to settle and compact naturally before adding any decking or decorative work around the pool.