Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Help Prevent Roller Coaster Motion Sickness

Help Prevent Roller Coaster Motion Sickness

Although it's not as common to experience motion sickness with roller coasters as it is with spinning amusement rides, it's still possible to get sick from the fast, twisting motion. According to Mayo Clinic, it is much easier to prevent motion sickness than to stop it once it has started. If you have experienced motion sickness from roller coasters in the past, there are ways that you can prevent it from happening again the next time you visit the amusement park.


1. Eat a healthy meal 1 to 2 hours before riding the roller coaster. Avoid drinks that upset stomach acids, such as fruit drinks, carbonated soda and coffee. Eat plain foods rather than spicy meals, and never ride a roller coaster on an empty stomach.

2. Take over-the-counter motion sickness medication if you have had previous bouts of the illness while riding roller coasters. Dimenhydrinate, also known as Dramamine, as well as meclizine, also known as Bonine, will reduce the risk of motion sickness from the rides. Because regular-strength versions of these medications cause drowsiness, buy the nondrowsy formulas if you are planning a long day at the amusement park.

3. Avoid going on backward-facing roller coasters as these increase the chance of producing motion sickness. Stick with roller coasters that keep you facing forward for the length of the ride.

4. Sit as close to the front of the ride as possible. The more of the roller coaster car or fellow riders you see in front of you, the higher the chance of developing motion sickness.

5. Coaster Enthusiasts of Canada suggests that you keep your head straight. A tilted head will confuse your brain and cause motion sickness.