You may feel like the only one taking care of all the household chores.
Feeling taken for granted by your husband is not a very comforting feeling. You may wonder if your husband even notices everything you do for him, your relationship and your household. You may desire to have a talk with him and explain everything you are feeling; however, showing him with your actions that you are valuable and irreplaceable is a better way to leave an impression on him and change his perspective for good.
1. Give him plenty of space. Giving your husband a little extra space for the things he needs to do -- recharge after a long day at work, go to bed a little earlier than usual or go out for a run -- is an ideal way to make him appreciate you more. Giving your husband space will give him the time he needs to realize he misses you, and that time alone gets old after a while. If you are constantly nagging him every time he wants space and all he is thinking about is having to see you again, he is not truly getting the space he needs.
2. Hold off on the chores. If you are contributing a lot to the household, stop doing chores for a couple days and see how he reacts. If you usually cook dinner, let him know that you aren't feeling up to it tonight, and see if he would like to make the two of you something. If you watch the kids, ask if he wouldn't mind staying home with them while you go out for a bit. Giving yourself a little rest and holding off on chores you usually do will make him realize how much you contribute to the household and your relationship.
3. Hang out with friends. You may feel unappreciated and distant, but hanging out with friends will give you the confidence boost you need to feel energized again. If you take time for yourself to be around people who appreciate and value you, this energized feeling you have will naturally shine through and show your husband what feeling appreciated and important can do to you. He will see how happy you are and want to make you feel the same way.
4. Contribute to society. Contributing to society in one way or another will make your husband realize your importance because he will see how much you give to people in need. It may be at a homeless shelter or for a disaster relief organization; whatever the case, allot a couple hours a week to give of yourself to those who need you. Your husband will see how willing you are to give and how needed you are.