Is your swimming pool in good condition?
Your swimming pool is losing water - now what? An overview of find a leak in your swimming pool. Whether you fix the leak yourself or hire a pool professional to fix the leak for your, this article will save you money Does this Spark an idea?
1. Monitor the water loss of the pool over twenty four hours with the pump running and then again without the circulation system on. Log this information in a detailed log book.
2. If the pool loses more water with the pump on, you likely have a leak in the plumbing system of your pool. The most common areas for water to leak from the plumbing system are:
-In the return line where the return meets the back of the return port in the wall of the pool.
-In the filter, where the water escapes past the filter head gasket and into the backwash line for the pool
-Through the skimmer suction liner where the pipe connects to the bottom of the skimmer underground
3. If the pool is losing more water with the pump off, or equal amounts of water whether the pump is on or off you will find the leak to be in the structure of the pool. For concrete pools this will be a crack in the pool shell, and in vinyl liner pools this will be a hole in the vinyl liner.
It is very possible that structural water loss in concrete or vinyl liner pools will be through the hydrostatic relief valve which is in the main drains in the bottom of the pool. This is a one way valve that has a mechanical connection that can and will wear out eventually.
4. After you have identified if the pool leak is in the plumbing or in the structure of the pool you can proceed to hire a contractor or repair the leak yourself.
-For plumbing leaks you will need a pressure test of your plumbing system
-for structural leaks you will need a diver/visual inspection of the interior surface of your pool
Hiring for either of these two specific tasks will more affordable than hiring a company to come in and begin troubleshooting your pool leak in general. There are a number of tasks and tests which can be performed in advance of hiring a repair professional to reduce the cost as well as increase your credibility as an informed customer. Being informed and providing detailed water loss notes will help to reduce the likelihood of being taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors.
5. A final diagnostic step every pool owner can take is to let the water level drop in the pool to the point where it stops on its own. Remember that pools should not be drained to less than 8" of water in the shallow end unless advised by a professional to reduce the chance of damage to the pool. The water level can indicate to you where the leak might be, and where it is not.
Be sure to shut off your pump if the water level falls past the mouth of the skimmer or equalizer port for your skimmer to avoid running it dry and overheating it.
6. Finding a leak in your swimming pool can be difficult and time consuming - not to mention costsly. Completing as many initial yests and repairs as you can will help to make your pool more affordable and enjoyable. Not every leak can be covered in a short article on pool leaks. If you have completed all of the steps in this and still can not locate the leak in your swimming pool you can use the swimming pool leak finding guide at to explore more leak detection tests, techniques and common problems that cause water loss in swimming pools.