Monday, 27 April 2015

Make Scar Removal Cream

This scar removal cream can be very effective

Need a gentle but effective scar removal cream? Only a few substances have a long history of being used to remove scar tissue, and this scar removal cream contains the two reported as the most powerful and trusted. Many have reported very good luck with this homemade scar removal cream. And, though you need to get just two specific ingredients, once you have them, the scar removal cream described here is very simple to make.

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1. Find and purchase the correct ingredients for your scar removal cream. The first thing you'll need is pure shea butter. Long known to rejuvenate older scar tissue, it's included in many cosmetic creams, but you just need a jar of the pure butter on its own. The second thing you'll need is frankincense essential oil. This has been used for centuries to remove scar tissue. But you'll need to get therapeutic grade true essential oil, not just a blend of oils that has a little frankincense in it. Both of these products are often available at health food stores and both are available online from various brands. Just look at the bottles or jars closely to make sure you're getting a hundred percent of both these ingredients so you'll be making the most effective scar removal cream.

2. Mix the scar removal cream. Shea butter is a white solid substance that stays solid at room temperature and melts when you scoop out a dab and rub it in your hands. To make your scar removal cream, scoop out a half cup of the butter and very gently warm it to soften it. Don't use the microwave, but you can warm it by holding it over the lowest possible setting on the stove and removing it immediately after it's softened up, stirring and mashing with a sterol spoon. Pour the warm butter into a sterol container with a lid. Add 30 drops of frankincense essential oil. Put the lid on right away so that no essential oil escapes from the warmth emanated from the butter. Shake occasionally until the butter starts to solidify. Then open the lid and stir it occasionally with the sterol spoon until it's completely solidified to become scar removal cream.

3. Apply the scar removal cream. Take a dab of the scar removal cream and rub it on the affected area daily. Twice daily is even better, and of course, if you miss a day or to, just start up again. Allow it plenty of time to slowly transform the scar tissue.

4. Be careful with your scar removal cream. This scar removal cream should not be used during pregnancy, as doctors often say essential oils are too powerful during that time. Also, be careful to not let any get into your eyes.