Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Make A Baby Tie Blanket

A baby on a big blanket

Blankets are one of the most necessary baby items as little ones need a clean area to play on and soft surface for crawling. Babies also love being swaddled to sleep and bundled up for snuggle time. A tie blanket is a great gift for a baby that will be appreciated by the new parents.


1. Choose a fleece fabric for your blanket. You can select a pattern for the front and solid for the back or use the same fabric for both sides. Lay out your fabric and cut two pieces 58-inches by 58-inches.

2. Lay one piece of fabric down, wrong side up. Set the second piece of fabric on top of the first, right side up. Make sure the fabric pieces are completely squared up, so they match exactly.

3. Use a ruler to measure and cut out a 5-inch by 5-inch square in the corners. Cut all four corners, so you are left with four bare corners all cut in 5-inches deep.

4. Measure along the edge of the fabric and make a mark every 2 inches. On each mark make a cut 5-inches deep. Cut through both layers of fleece. Make these cuts all the way around the fabric.

5. Take one of the sections you cut. Grab the top layer and bottom layer of fleece. Tie the two pieces together in a double knot. Skip the next section and tie the following one in the same manner. Continue all the way around the blanket, tying every other section in a double knot.

6. Flip the blanket over and tie the remaining sections in the same double-knot manner.