Fat waistlines are unhealthy.
Perhaps the years have caught up with you - gone are the days when you could eat whatever you wanted and not gain an ounce of weight. Getting rid of a fat waistline takes some discipline and hard work, but the benefits to having a smaller waistline are great. Not only do you increase your life expectancy, you'll greatly reduce the chance of getting diseases like Type II diabetes, gastrointestinal problems and cancer. Here's get rid of a fat waistline - the healthy way:
1. Realize why you have a fat waistline in the first place. It did not magically happen, it wasn't accidentally bestowed to you upon birth and it isn't because it runs in your family. If we admit the truth to ourselves, we'll realize it's because many of us in the U.S. lead sedentary lives and eat junk food regularly.
2. Now that the truth is out of the way, we can start addressing the problem. You need to eat right. Healthy eating is 50% of solving the fat waistline problem. You can workout in the gym all day, everyday, but if you are eating unhealthy, you will not lose the fat waistline. Eating five small meals a day with protein at every meal, drinking a lot of water, eating a lot of vegetables and eliminating all white flour products from your diet will help you lose fat and see your slim waistline sooner than you think. Be sure to check out the "Lose Weight Fast - The Healthy Way" in the Resource links listed below.
3. Exercise. You might hate the thought of it, but the truth is that you need to exercise to tone your body and stay healthy. Exercising is the other 50% of solving the fat waistline problem. It's important to understand that the first place you put on fat is also the last place it will come off. Make sure to do cardio 5-6 times a week for at least an hour to REDUCE your body weight. It's also very important to do some weight bearing exercises to help RESHAPE your body, and that includes crunches. If you do not do some sort of weight bearing exercise and only do cardio, your waist WILL get smaller, but it will still be a bit flabby because you're not training the muscles underneath. The only way to see your abdominal muscles is to get rid of the fat on top of them and strengthen the muscles underneath. Everyone had a six-pack of abs in there (some stronger than others), but you just can't see it through the fat waistline.
4. Drink a lot of water. Water hydrates your body and doesn't have any sugar. Sugar drains your energy and keeps you from doing your best workout.
5. Get plenty of rest. You need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. The more rest and less stress you have in your life, the smaller your waistline will become. Studies have shown that high stress levels (in addition to unhealthy eating) lead to fatter waistlines.
6. Be sure to check out the Resource links below for more fitness and healthy eating advice.