Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Eliminate Hot Tub Bacteria

Hot tubs can pass bacteria from person to person.

A bacteria-free hot tub safely allows for warm and relaxing enjoyment. The hot pulsing water in a hot tub is sometimes used for entertaining guests or for relaxing tense muscles or nerves. Whichever the use, keeping the bacteria out of the tub is important. Bacteria can contribute to health issues including skin rashes and eye or ear infections. Proper and diligent care of the hot tub will prevent these issues. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Add 3 to 5 parts per million of bromide to the tub every three to five times it is used. While chlorine cleans and kills bacteria on contact, bromide continuously cleans for several days. If the tub has not been used for a period of time, use the bromide first and wait for the pH level to return to normal prior to use.

2. Drain the tub regularly. If the tub is in continual or regular use, drain it once a month and replace the water.

3. Scrub the tub and flush out the jets. When the tub is drained, take the time to scrub it with chlorine bleach. Run a bit of of the chlorine through the jets to flush them out and eliminate any bacteria which may be breeding in the piping. Add chlorine to the tub again after refilling.